Where Did Fall Go?!?!

It seems this is a theme this time of year….we finish AI season and there is a small lull in the action until harvest. However, this year harvest came early! September-October-November has been a flurry of activities. Hay, harvest, fall shearing, FFA Tours, judging team workouts, NAILE, and some early lambing bring us almost to December! Kipton has been quite the helper and loves just about every activity on the farm. Dec 6th kicks off our first big wave of lambing!

Sorting sheep

Sorting sheep

Fall Shearing

Fall Shearing

Fall Lambing

Fall Lambing

Feeding Time!

Feeding Time!

New Arrival!


Southern MO.jpg

Poe Hamps is proud to announce the acquisition of Southern Mohican; a proven 3 YR old Harrell Ram from Miller Farms SD.  

Southern Mohican has worked extremely well on 4-D Large daughters.  Maternally, he is related to Full Monty - sire of the 2017 Indiana State Fair Supreme Ewe and our lead sire for the past 3 years.

We are confident and excited to see the 2019 progeny of Southern Mohican!  Fresh and Frozen semen available for purchase on the website!

Kipton (16 months)

A boy and his sheep!

A boy and his sheep!

Much to our delight, Kipton seems to love ALL animals...sheep, dogs, cats, toads...well the toad was a bit iffy... :)   He enjoys being outside  - he is keeping momma busy with laundry for certain!  His first words were Track-tor (tractor) Dee (our dog), and he makes the "k" sound for Kate (the other dog)...mom and dad are still waiting to hear mama and da-da.... :) ...mom in particular!